Officially announced at the Annual General Meeting last week, Matthew Colton (MCE’s founding Director) has been elected to the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) London and has become a Trustee of the Institution.
The Royal Charter establishes that the ICE’s purpose is to “foster and promote the art and science of civil engineering”. Matthew’s role on Council will be to ensure that the ICE’s operations are performed in line with required governance both legally and in accordance with the Royal Charter, whilst continuing to represent the interests of the 91,000 ICE Membership.
Council is made up of 44 members from different countries and grades of membership. Every year, certain positions on the ICE Council become available, so members can stand for these positions. Council Members are elected after receiving votes from across the ICE Membership. Matthew has previously served as the Chairperson for the ICE NSW Association for 5 years and then as the ICE Representative for NSW for the past two years. He will officially take his seat on the Council in November this year.
“It will be my privilege to serve the interests of the Asia Pacific ICE members; ensuring our international view is effectively presented at Council and advancing our Institution’s worldwide growth and influence. My time as the Chairperson of the New South Wales’ (NSW) Committee, saw active membership grow by 40% and raised the Australian members profile across Asia Pacific. I will be looking to build upon this success to develop avenues to increase international membership, whilst working closely with other international reputable professional organisations to define boundaries and identify synergies to positively influence political vision for Engineering” said Matthew.