Tokyo Olympics came to an end and what a fantastic performance by team Australia!
Whilst we all experienced a few weeks of passion, enthusiasm, excitement, mixed feelings and pride we can take a moment and go to a deeper level.
The Olympics in essence is all about #diversity #inclusion, #unity, #harmony, #resilience, #teamwork and #perseverance. It is a true celebration of friendship, excellence, and respect where athletes from all over the world come together and compete for showcasing their excellence. From individual sports where the athletes present their own capabilities in full to team sports where all team members must work hard and harmoniously to achieve the highest ranks, they are all advertising one big goal and that is #togetherness.
It doesn’t matter what background you come from, what your religion is or what you have gone through to be there. The beauty of the game is that once you are there, everyone is gauged with their performance in the moment. When a competition comes to an end there can be a clash of joy and sadness, tears and laughs, while in the bigger picture this is only an opportunity to #learn and #grow which can be translated into our daily lives.
These are all tremendous values that we would love to reflect in our social and professional lives. In MCE we work hard to promote such values as diversity and inclusion through embracing different cultures that we have in the team and expanding it further. We always work resiliently as a team to excel in every aspect and achieve harmonious results for our clients!
By Vida Ghorbani