Our Team

David Clements

My Transportation career spans over 20+ years, I have seen many changes in the approach and technical delivery of Major Infrastructure projects.

I have developed and applied transformational change and techniques as well as great leadership in the Public and Private sector across the world.  My military background gives me the strength of character to be bold, innovative, resilient and supportive of the teams I lead and which I am proud to be part of.


Things that excite me about working are:

  • Knowing that through the Projects I lead, the changes we make, we can positively affect people’s daily lives for the better.
  • Having the privilege to be involved across some of the most interesting projects worldwide. Such as Olympic infrastructure projects, Innovative energy efficient and urban transport schemes, Population and community growth enhancement projects and Heavy, Light and Subsurface Railway projects.
  • Engaging with people and building multifunctional project teams, encouraging diversity in the workplace and learning from each other and enriching our experiences.
  • Most importantly having fun and rising to the challenge together with like-minded people.


Outside of work:

I take time out to be with my family and our dog and we do as much as we can together. My other passion is tinkering with motorcycles.


My favourite quote is:

” Improvise, Adapt and Overcome” – USMC