Institution of Civil Engineer’s Director General, Nick Baveystock visits Sydney

We had the pleasure of spending some time with Nick Baveystock the Institution of Civil Engineer’s Director General at the end of last week.  Nick is currently on a whirlwind visit of Australian, New Zealand and parts of South East Asia visiting members and getting insight into our membership, major projects and discuss how our members impact society.

On Thursday we spent the morning with the Sydney Water Delivery Management Group, Peter Higgins (NEC4 Board Chairman) and Steven Evans discussing Sydney Waters step change in delivery strategy, team structure, change in engagement with industry. There was great interest in the past 4 years and setting up Sydney Water’s business and supply chains for the adaption of the NEC form of contract for their entire delivery program.

By becoming an Early Adopter, Sydney Water joins Anglian Water’s Capital Delivery Alliances, the Environment Agency’s Next Generation Supplier Arrangements, Heathrow’s expansionNational Grid’s London Power Tunnels project, Network Rail Track Alliances and Sellafield Ltd Programme & Project Partners (PPP) model.  Together these Early Adopters have committed to implementing the Project 13 principles on a programme or project as part of a strategy to deliver better customer outcomes. Sydney Water will be using the principles of Project 13 for its  Partnering for Success (P4S) program.

Sydney Water has set an exciting and ambitious vision for the future of its business. Through Partnering for Success (P4S) and establishing long-term partnerships, Sydney Water is looking to not just change the way it procures services, but to transform the way that it does business. To enable this, in 2019 Sydney Water will appoint three Regional Delivery Consortia (RDC) to partner with it for a 10-year period and to undertake an organisational transformation process to support, enable and integrate the RDC. Given the decade-long term of these contracts, this is an almost once in a generation change which will have a lasting impact on Sydney Water, the industry, and its customers.  The scale, complexity and impact of this change cannot be underestimated and, done right, will create an enduring legacy.

In the evening the Director General addressed the Institution of Civil Engineers members and guests about the Global Infrastructure Market and Landscape from his perspective.  Nick gave an overall strategic perspective. Key points discussed included how our infrastructure industry needs to improve public engagement to ensure the community trusts our profession, especially given recent events including Grenfell, Lacrosse, Opal Tower and the Florida bridge collapse. Our Infrastructure sector must upskill the industry to remain relevant alongside advances in technology. All Institutions, Institutes and affiliations across the industry need to collaborate to increase the diversity and inclusion required to tackle the challenges we face.

On the Friday morning we met with the British Consul General and members of NSW Construction Leadership Group (CLG), a selection of international law firms including Pinsent Masons and major Constructor’s General Counsel to discuss the CLG’s 10 Point Strategy for NSW and deliberate the merits of NEC as an alternative to GEC21 and how NEC addressed each of the CLG’s 10 Point Plan. The first discussion was received well and we are planning more in the next few months.

In the afternoon Hugh Lawson Director Metro City and South West showed the Director General, guests and I around the impressive Barangaroo station construction site.  Along with seeing the station excavation, northern access shaft and spoil barging operation, we were able to get a close up look at TBM Kathleen now being assembled on site before it tunnels under Sydney Harbour later this year. It was excellent to see a magnificent asset for NSW in the making and the passion and commitment of the team delivering it.

Thanks to Hugh Lawson and his team for arranging the site visit and hosting the DG’s Members address on the Thursday evening.

#sydneymetro #ICE #Buildbetter @NickBaveystock #SydneyWater

Consul General hosting a discussion with the Construction Leadership Group regarding the 10 point plan and NEC.


Nick Baveystock delivering his view on the current and future landscape of infrastructure.


Nick Baveystock, Hugh Lawson, Rob Buchanan, Lani Tan, Simon Vaux, Matt Deeks & Steve Watson at Barangeroo Station construction site.

Date: Mar 25, 2019
AUTHOR: admin