Sydney Metro West has released The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

MCE’s Associate Director Jonathan Richardson was interviewed with other members of Metro West’s LEadership group regarding Metro West’s EIS released this week.

Sydney Metro released The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Metro West project.  The EIS will be on exhibition for eight weeks, closing on 26 June 2020 and, due to COVID19 restrictions, this exhibition period will be the first time any Sydney Metro projects have removed all in-person engagement.

Sydney Metro has taken and innovative approach to overcome the COVID19 restrictions and has, in a very short period of time developed a comprehensive engagement program that uses a range of tools and channels that will provide a comparable or enhanced engagement experience for its’ communities and stakeholders.

MCE is delighted to support this city changing project and congratulates Sydney Metro on this major project milestone.  Jonathan Richardson , MCE Associate Director , leads the Sydney Metro West Engineering, Design and Assurance team and features in Metro’s brand new interactive portal which contains information about the project, what’s on exhibition and an interactive map at: sydneymetro.info/metrowest

Date: May 1, 2020
AUTHOR: Matthew Colton