We were lucky enough to have CEO of the RU OK? Day Charity, Katherine Newton, attend our recent MCE High Tea at the QVB in support of RU OK? Day. Katherine spoke to members of the Team and gave us some practical tools and tips to help to spot when someone is not ok and to drive genuine conversations around mental health support in both work and home life situations.
From “Getting ready to ask” ourselves:
1 Being ready, in a good headspace ourselves and being ready to listen
2 Being prepared to help
3 Picking the right moment
To starting a conversation:
1 Asking “RU OK?”
2 Listening
3 Encouraging action
4 Checking in.
The R U OK? website at ruok.org.au has plenty of effective and practical resources to help you:
1 Know if someone needs support
2 Give you simple steps to talk to a work colleague/friend who’s not OK
3 Manage emotional reactions in a conversation.
R U OK? Day is a national day of action committed to encouraging and equipping everyone to regularly and meaningfully ask “Are you ok?”, of anyone who might be struggling with life.
Since the inaugural R U OK? Day in 2009, R U OK? has become a household name. By 2019, an estimated 87% of Australians were aware of R U OK?
To help make real, lasting change in Australia, R U OK? has broadened their reach beyond a national day of action. Campaigns such as R U OK? at Work and R U OK? at School are providing effective platforms to promote regular, meaningful conversations all year round.
Useful contacts for someone who’s not Ok:
Lifeline (24/7) – 13 11 14, lifeline.org.au
BeyondBlue (24/7) – 1300 224 636, beyondblue.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service (24/7) – 1300 659 467, suicidecallbackservice.org.au
SANE Australia – 1800 18 SANE, sane.org
More Contacts: ruok.org.au/findhelp